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Is your php site defaced(did not show css) enta here
Views: 1539  |  Comments: 3 |  Posted: 12:01 Sat, 21 Dec 2013
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2322
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Posted on: 12:01 Sat, 21 Dec 2013
Is your php site defaced by showing no css after you've finish every edit, that you expect your site to be active?

Dont be trouble, this has been an error me myself have witnessed and feel troubled about, further reading for the solution.

Simply go to MODULS >> SETTINGS.PHP >> THEN LOCATE THE "$CONFIG URL", the link in front of it must be complete link of your site. Dont just put ur site name.am a big fool, wen u havent got .am a big fool domain, use full link. Your site name.yourhosting.net/com.

Any question?, feel free to ask.

:- Sammyp, owner
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Photo Godswillshare (¥ 3 NU)
Star: Novice
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Posted on: 12:01 Sat, 21 Dec 2013
yes you are a big fool Lol..

Photo Sexysteeltobad (¥ 9 NU)
Star: Novice
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Posted on: 12:01 Sat, 21 Dec 2013
Haha dnt call my Boss a fool again

Photo Sammyp (¥ 6 NU)
Star: Novice
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Posted on: 12:01 Sat, 21 Dec 2013
You are right Boss, i troue salute ooh, i will call ur number for more talk.


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