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Cross Site Script Tutorial
Views: 1100  |  Comments: 1 |  Posted: 03:10 Wed, 05 Mar 2014
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
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Posted on: 03:10 Wed, 05 Mar 2014
This is my third article about Cross site Scripting Tutorial.

Last time, i explained how to do vulnerability test for XSS and some filter bypassing technique.

Now let us see how a hacker deface a website with XSS vulnerability?
Never implement this technique. I am just explaining it for educational purpose only.

Defacing is one of the most common thing when the hacker found the vulnerability in website.

Defacing is changing the content the website hacker content. Most of time, attacker use this technique to inform about the vulnerability to Admin. But it's bad idea..!

Script for chaning the background Color of a website [php]am a fool>document.body.bgColor="red";am a fool[/php]
Script for chaning the background image of a website [php]am a fool>document.body.background=" http://your_image.jpg";am a fool[/php]

Defacement Page with Pasteindex First of all upload some defacement page(index) to pasteindex. com and get the link.

When you find a XSS vulnerable site, then insert the script as [php]am a fool>am a fool Hacker=" http://www.pastehtml.com /Your_Defacement_link";am a fool[/php]

This script will redirect the page to your pastehtml defacement page.

Note: You can deface only persistent XSS vulnerable sites.

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Photo archlord (¥ 3 NU)
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Posted on: 03:10 Wed, 05 Mar 2014


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