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How to Crash/remotely Stop Ur Enemy Whatsapp
Views: 904  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 09:07 Sun, 22 Mar 2015
Photo Esther Ometere (¥ 607 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 55
Replies: 19
Posted on: 09:07 Sun, 22 Mar 2015

Hi our Extreme Members , a Vulnerability has been discovered in the wildly popular messaging app WhatsApp, which allows anyone to remotely crash WhatsApp just by sending a specially crafted message, two security researchers reported ‘The Hacker News’.


WhatsApp, a widely used social messaging application can simply be crashed by specially crafted message sent to you from a friend.

How to Crash Whatsapp remotely

1. Download the txt file provided
below by Akpati
2. Open Whatsapp
3. Select Your VICTIM
4. Paste and Message
5. Enjoy

Download Whatsapp crash Code

NOTE:- i have been using this trick since last year, mayb the bug might have been fixed. Just give a trial.. Dont try with ESTHER WHATSAPP account oo pls.

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