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How to Format a computer using aWindows XP disc
Views: 1338  |  Comments: 1 |  Posted: 05:04 Tue, 24 Dec 2013
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23611 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2325
Replies: 119
Posted on: 05:04 Tue, 24 Dec 2013
step1:You must put your
Windows XP CD in the drive.
2. Then restart your computer.
3. When it says press any key
to boot from cd, Press any
key on the keyboard. (Go to
step 6)
4. If it doesn't ask you this then
restart your computer again.
5. Go into the BIOS settings of
your PC, usually by pressing
the F1, F2, F10, or maybe the
delete key. If you are not
sure watch the screen at
startup and it will say "To
enter setup press.......". You
have to be quick and press it.
If you miss it restart again.
Once you are in the bios you
have to change the boot
options. You have to make
your cd rom the first boot
option. Save and exit.
6. A blue screen will appear
and you are on your way..
7. Press Enter to setup
Windows XP now. See
screenshot above.
8. If there is a copy of Windows
XP on your computer and you
wish to overwrite it you will
have to press the escape
button when prompted.
Do not
install Windows XP in
another directory unless you
know what you are doing.
Just overwrite the previous
version as you should have
backed up your data anyway.
9. You should now make the
partition that had windows
on it blue and press D to
delete the partition. It will
ask if you are sure. Press L to
confirm. More details on
deleting partitions.
10. Then Press C to create
another partition and
Windows will estimate a size
for you. If you wanted to
partition your hard drive into
two equal parts you would
have to do some math's and
then type the appropriate
number in. Otherwise just
going with what Windows
puts there will be the
minimum partition size.
11. Press Enter to confirm size.
12. Then it will ask you which
partition you want to install
Windows on. The default is C:
drive. Select this by making it
blue and press enter.
13. If there are no partitions it
will create one for you.
14. Then it will ask you to format
quick, normal, in fat32 or
NTFS. Fat32 suits older
computers so I choose a
quick fornat.
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Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23611 NU)
Star: Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2325
Replies: 119
Posted on: 05:04 Tue, 24 Dec 2013
Spammer Chai!!


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