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JAMB Picks July 14 To Determine Admission Cut Off Mark
Views: 1101  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 06:31 Fri, 03 Jul 2015
Photo Easyboy (¥ 21188 NU)
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Posted on: 06:31 Fri, 03 Jul 2015


The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) has announced July 14, 2015 to determine cut-off marks for admission of candidates into tertiary institutions.

The date is also the date it will hold its 2015 Policy meeting. This was disclosed by Mr Fabian Benjamin, the board's Public Relations Officer.

"The 2015 Policy Meeting which usually comes up with the cut-off point has been fixed for 14th July, 2015."This meeting defines the criteria for the year's admissions into higher institutions," it said.
The statement said that the cut-off points are arrived at after extensive deliberations with vice-chancellors of universities, provosts of colleges of education, rectors of polytechnics, monotechnics as well as innovative enterprise institutions and other stakeholders.

The statement said the CBT initiative had helped to address the numerous challenges confronting the conduct of public examination in the country.

" Today, the board has found the magic wand.

It said that the meeting was usually held after the schools would have completed the Computer Based tests (CBT).

The statement said that the CBT had assisted the board to fight against examination malpractice within the nation's examination system.

The statement also said that the 2015 examination was one of the most successfully conducted exercises by the board.
:- youngking, admin
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