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Meet Peter Okoye’s Beautiful Mother-In-Law | PHOTOS
Views: 1019  |  Comments: 1 |  Posted: 05:28 Wed, 03 Jun 2015
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23611 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
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Posted on: 05:28 Wed, 03 Jun 2015

The beautiful wife of Peter Okoye, Lola Omotayo Okoye, who is a mother of two cute children has taken time-out to celebrate her own mother whose birthday is today.


With sweetest words with no doubt coming from the depth of her heart, Lola praised her Russian-born mother, saying:
Mrs. Alevtina Aliona Omotayo! The one and only first lady, our super mum, our beauty queen and iron lady. Mama without you there would be no me. Where did you find the strength to do all the things you did when I was a kid? You worked, you were my chauffeur to school and back, you drove us to Ikoyi club every day after school for swimming.

You were the nurse at home when I got hurt, you were the chef; teacher, counsellor and friend. You didn’t know what to do with my wild and stubborn hair but you always managed to make me look pretty! Your guidance has made me who I am today. I learned about love from watching your caring ways.

Thanks for passing on the OCD gene.. I am thankful for all you showed me and continue to show me about how to love and give; lessons that now bring many blessings to me. Your constant sacrifices do not go unnoticed mama. . Sometimes I take you for granted and for that I am sorry. Mama with you in my life I am blessed and so are your grandchildren Cameron and Aliona, they love their “Babushka” so much. Here is wishing you a very Happy Birthday.

May God continue to bless and protect you and may you have good health and long life. We love you mama.@alionao6o2 #sweetmother #llovemymama #superwoman #Russian #Nigerian #Naijawife #bestgrandma

Lola and Tania Omotayo are the two daughters of Mrs. Omotayo, and Lola Omotayo-Okoye named her daughter‘Aliona’after her darling mother.

Recently, Peter and his wife Lola Omotayo took to social media to post some controversial statements and pictures which led many to believe that their marriage might be on the verge of a collapse.
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Photo Netlearner (¥ 350 NU)
Star: Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 29
Replies: 20
Posted on: 05:28 Wed, 03 Jun 2015
Lngst time my boss, hope u remember ur boy


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