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INEC website hacked!
Views: 1005  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 11:57 Sat, 28 Mar 2015
Photo Easyboy (¥ 21188 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2107
Replies: 39
Posted on: 11:57 Sat, 28 Mar 2015

The websiteof the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has been compromised.
A team of hackers which called itself the Cyber army has broken into the electoral body’s website where information about the ongoing elections could be sought.

A message left on INEC’s homepage reads “Sorry xD Your Site has been STAMPED by TeaM Nigerian Cyber Army.”

[!] StruCkED by Nigerian Cyber Army[!] could also be seen lining the top of a thumbprinted Nigerian flag.
Details later
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