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MTN Latest Free Browsing Cheat For August 2016
Views: 1932  |  Comments: 2 |  Posted: 05:12 Tue, 02 Aug 2016
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2322
Replies: 119
Posted on: 05:12 Tue, 02 Aug 2016

Latest Free browsing cheat for august, don't miss this...

Its a cheat for everyone online using 9iceunity.com this free browsing cheat is a cheat for real cheat lovers.

For those of you that know this cheat it’s still working, that’s what many people are still flexing it……

#70 daily sub *216*7#
- 4GB 0 daily sub *216*10#
- 5GB #350 for weekly sub *216*8#
- 5GB 00 for monthly sup *216*9#

==>Create New APN settings On Your Phone As Follows..
Port: 8080
APN: Web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
Save And Activate it, set the new created apn as your default settings. Go to simple server and configure the settings

==>Proxy host:
==>Proxy Port: 8080
==>Injection Method: get
==>Injection querry/ url:HTTP:// WEB.BLACKBERRY.COM
==>Injection Host: WEB.BLACKBERRY.COM
==>Injection line: press your enter key 4 times
==>Buffer size: 8092
==>concurrent connection:10
==>Log level: debug Close the settings and click the start sever…

Then start browsing for free,

Note:- To make it work for all apps download Auto proxy from play store install it and click on the option button to view the menu option the click on creat new proxy…then
proxy host:
proxy port:8080
proxy type: HTTP
then save and connect…

Enjoy this August and September cheat from 9iceunity To Fans!
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Photo tpapa017 (¥ 3 NU)
Star: Novice
Created Topics: 0
Replies: 1
Posted on: 05:12 Tue, 02 Aug 2016
pls d 5gb for monthly is hw much

Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
Star: Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2322
Replies: 119
Posted on: 05:12 Tue, 02 Aug 2016
is #1,000 only


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