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486 Boko Haram Members, Including 8 Women Arrested In Abia
Views: 886  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 11:54 Tue, 17 Jun 2014
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2322
Replies: 119
Posted on: 11:54 Tue, 17 Jun 2014

The 144 battalion of the Nigerian Army, Asa in Ukwa
West Local Government Area of Abia State arrested
a convoy of 33 buses conveying 486 Boko Haram
militants including eight females between Aro Ngwa
and Imo Gate along the Enugu- Port Harcourt
expressway in Abia state on Monday, June 16, 2014

They claimed to have come from different parts of
the Northern states and aged mainly between 16
and 24 and were said to be searching for jobs.

This arrest comes just a day after the police foiled a
plot to bomb a church in Owerri, Imo State and
arrested six Islamist extremist while planting the bombs in the church.

The suspects were being conveyed in over 30 buses
when the military men intercepted them at the road
between Aro-Ngwa and Imo Gate along the expressway, reports say.
Some of the buses conveying more persons reportedly sped off and escaped arrest.

The Abia state government officials have described
the suspects as members of the dreaded Islamist
extremist group, though no evidence has been
made available to the public yet to establish a link between them and the terror group.

There has been no report of arms and ammunition
being found on the arrested suspects.
The state officials say investigations are on going
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