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Eskimi Partners Nokia, Launches Nokia App
Views: 1313  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 02:40 Tue, 24 Dec 2013
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
Star:Ultimate ult
Created Topics: 2322
Replies: 119
Posted on: 02:40 Tue, 24 Dec 2013
Eskimi, one of the largest social media and
entertainment platforms counting 14 million
members, partnered with Nokia to launch a new
Eskimi app for Asha device range. The new
application can now be downloaded from Nokia

?The new application will have an improved instant
chat experience and new friend matching
functionality. This will make it easier to connect
with your friends every day and also constantly
find new friends to have fun.

NOKIA is a dominant
device our users use to access Eskimi and we are
very happy to release this new application to even
more improve the experience for our Nokia
consumers,? said Povilas Skrebutenas, Head of
Product from Eskimi.

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