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Man stabs girlfriend to death after sex over N1000
Views: 1176  |  Comments: 0 |  Posted: 05:39 Tue, 11 Aug 2015
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
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Posted on: 05:39 Tue, 11 Aug 2015


30 year old Richard Effiok, confessed to stabbing his girlfriend after three rounds of sex on Monday.

Effiok, who identified his deceased girlfriend as 23 year old Bassey Udoh, said the incident happened on May 22, 2015, at Nelson Mandela Street in Calabar, Cross River State.

The suspect made the confession at the headquarters of the state police command on Diamond Hill Road, when he was paraded along with other suspected criminals by the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Henry Fadairo.

Effiok, who hails from the Akpabuyo Local Government Area of the state, said,

“The problem started when I had three rounds of sex with the lady and gave her N1,000 as transport fare back home, but she demanded N5,000.Bassey is my lover.

We have been dating for two years. On the day of her death, we had three rounds of sex. I can’t really say if I was tempted by the devil to kill her.When she refused to collect the N1,000 that I gave her, we started quarrelling and it led to a fight.

I brought out a sharp kitchen knife and stabbed her.After stabbing her, she screamed and neighbours broke into my room.

They saw her on the ground in a pool of blood. She later died,” he said.

He said his neighbours were the ones who called the police to arrest him.

“I regret my actions, I wish I did not kill her,” he said.

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