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Boko Haram commander captured by the military, 178 people rescued from sect's camp
Views: 936  |  Comments: 2 |  Posted: 05:54 Mon, 03 Aug 2015
Photo Kunlessi (¥ 23581 NU)
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Posted on: 05:54 Mon, 03 Aug 2015


The Nigeria military has captured Boko Haram Commander and rescued 178 captivities in Bama axis, Borno State.

The development was sequel to the ongoing operations to clear Boko Haram terrorists in its area of operations, the troops of 21 Brigade in conjunction with elements of 151 Task Force Battalion of 7 Division, Nigerian Army have conducted offensive operations along Aulari in Bama axis.


The troops successfully cleared terrorists’ camp in Fadan, Shuwarin, Wulari, Ngoro Dauye, Jidori, Alikashiri, Kalzamari-Shuwa and Kalzamari-Kanuri amongst others.


During the offensive operations, 178 people held captives by the terrorists were rescued. They include 101 children, 67 women and 10 men.

Also, three Boko Haram flags were recovered while five motor cycles were burnt by the troops. In addition, one Boko Haram commander was captured alive and is presently undergoing investigation.


The troops morale remains high as they are determined to consolidate on the success achieved so far underOperation Lafiya Dole.


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Photo JIMOH FATAI (¥ 12 NU)
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Posted on: 05:54 Mon, 03 Aug 2015
thank god 4 buhari

Photo iamfrenzy (¥ 6 NU)
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Posted on: 05:54 Mon, 03 Aug 2015
i pray so


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